Sea6 Energy visits IRRI HQ for possible BIC partnership

A delegation from Sea6 Energy visited the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Headquarters in Laguna, Philippines to explore possible research collaboration and membership through IRRI’s Bio-Innovation Center (BIC) program.  

Sea6 Energy is a cutting-edge biotechnology company focused on research and development of marine biomass farming for fuel and feedstock, among others. The company is based in Bangalore, India, with a satellite office in Bali, Indonesia.

The visit happened on 18 January 2024. The delegation was led by Mr. Anand Gudihal, Sea6 Energy President for Agribusiness and Strategy, and he was accompanied by Christian Mallari, Ashok Alagarraj, Dev Sanjay Derasari, Nguyen Duy Cuong, Nhover Barnacha, and Antipas Criado. 

The delegation was welcomed by Dr. Gururaj Kulkarni, Director of BIC, who gave them a tour of the Plant Growth Facility and the International Rice Genebank. The group also discussed shared areas of research and advancements in sustainable agricultural technologies. Both parties agreed to take the discussion forward and explore research partnership opportunities for the future. Mr Gudihal also invited Dr Kulkarni to the Sea6 Energy corporate office at Bangalore to meet their research team and identify areas of research collaborations.

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