Message from the BIC Director (click to expand)
The International Rice Research Institute is pleased to announce the launch of IRRI Bio-Innovation Center (BIC), inviting the public and private companies to rent the research facilities and collaborate on research projects to deliver the innovative products by fast-tracking the research efforts.
Partnership for prosperity is the key BIC mission
IRRI strongly believe in the partnership for research innovations to meet the global challenges of agriculture in general and rice research in particular. Through BIC, it is opening other avenues of the research partnership.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 17 is dedicated for Partnerships to Achieve the Goals. Another SDG, SDG 9, focuses on Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure – these are clear examples of how the United Nations considers the Public-Private Partnership model for research collaborations, innovation, and quality product delivery to fast track research.
Advantages of BIC
Plug and play from day one
No initial capital investments needed
Ready to use research facilities
Efficient research (lab and field) operations
Regulatory environment in PH is better for Biotechnology
Working with an experienced global scientific community
Mentoring and coaching opportunities
Global reach or connections
Membership is considered based on the 'first come first serve' basis. Project Director and IRRI management have the final authority to accept membership for the research collaborations under IBC.
To conclude, BIC Director invites all public and private institutes to leverage IRRI’s technology platform and expertise, to fast track the development of new products and solutions.
Dr. Gururaj Guddappa Kulkarni
Director, IRRI Bio-Innovation Center
The IRRI Bio-Innovation Center (BIC) offers a membership-based program that allows private and public sector partners to leverage IRRI's world-class research infrastructure, expertise, and resources for the development or scaling up of their own products or research solutions.
About the BIC initiative
IRRI Headquarters in the Philippines is a leader in global rice research and has a significant advantage in catering to new and emerging agricultural research in ASEAN. Working with a close network of rice-growing countries and global stakeholders, IRRI has established itself as a trusted partner in rice research. IRRI and the Philippines also have a well-established and long-standing partnership in both GMO and non-GMO rice research and development.
> The Center is targeted specifically towards the rice sector and its dependent industries
> Members have access to advanced technologies and are able to house their researchers in IRRl's research labs, providing the best opportunities to fast track innovative research product discoveries
> Unique research collaboration opportunity for members to have tailor-made (sui-generis) research projects of common interest in rice science and related areas
> Members can take advantage of an array of business support resources and services to stimulate entrepreneurial and commercial development
The Vision
The International Rice Research Institute established the IRRI Bio-Innovation Center to nurture technology and knowledge-based agri-enterprises, foster innovation, research, and entrepreneurial activities in the rice sector, and strengthen its collaboration with the private-public sectors, our key partners in food and nutrition security.
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